When submitting an application for the MSc Advanced Motorsport Engineering at Cranfield University, do so with conviction. I expect to see a clear articulation of “why” you should be considered for selection. Beyond high level academic attainment and the underpinnings of maths and physics, demonstrate that you have drive and commitment. Differentiation through motorsport related experience and/or completing projects that are relevant to a postgraduate level engineering degree.
Statements regarding being an F1 fan are not of interest. We are looking for people who are highly motivated and innovative with academic attainment to a minimum of a 2.1 or international equivalent in engineering or related STEM subject such as physics. You must have maths and physics at A level or international equivalent. You need IELTS 7.0. You must be highly articulate and you must be comfortable answering questions using technical terms. We need to see evidence of project work relevant to engineering. Formula SAE or IMechE FS is good but we are interesting in knowing what you did.
If you have direct motorsport related experience better still. This is evidence of being more than an armchair fan. Finally, make sure you know how competition cars and bikes work. Have an understanding of design considerations and how components are made.
Best of luck!
Mr. Clive Temple
Programme Director MSc Advanced Motorsport Engineering
Cranfield University